Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Kenny's Dgitial Footprint

SMRF into projects. Add your link to the taskboard.

Title: word cloud
  • What was the learning intention?
  • What did you do?
Word Cloud:
Word Cloud Reflection:
  • What is the largest link you see?
  • Why do you think that is?
  • Did anything surprise you about your history?
  • Was you word cloud similar or different to a friend? Why do you think this?
Reference site:
A closing statement:
Something thoughtful needs to go here.

When you have finished your digital footprint blog have a buddy check it to make sure that it makes sense. Publish on your blog, and add your link to your taskboard.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Week9 reflction

Post your Prototec score
One thing you did well:
Prototec because I got only one wrong.
One thing you need to work on:
Subtraction because I got one of them wrong
One thing you would do next time:
do better at my subtraction because I got one of them wrong

Handwriting Reflections

One thing you did well:
10 fast fingers because I keep practicing and never give up  
One thing you need to work on:
I have to work on getting the words right because I sometimes get the word wrong   
One thing you would do next time:
Try slow down and don't think about speed and get the word right

Spelling Reflections

Post your score / screenshot of flippity net
One thing you did well:

One thing you did this week to help learn your words:

One thing you would do next time:

Blog Reflection

Insert work that you are proud of:

I am proud of this work because ...
I am proud of this work because
What did you do to achieve this?

One thing that you remembered/stuck with you.

One thing you learnt:

One thing you need to work on:

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

respect your class

  • We went to the Hall and Room 20 to know more about not doing thing when shouldn't be.
  • we were doing thing when we shouldn't be like making holes in the making holes in the wall and write  
  • hunted because it was quite.
  • respect furniture and thing in our class room because the teachers can find it anywhere  

My spelling test

Monday, July 3, 2017

My assessment sciences

NAME _Kenny______________________ PRODUCT _CP______________________ July 2017

My big wondering is how do underwater Volcanoes push the water out of the sea. My goal is to achieve my CP. Challenges that I faced is I have to search for in the internet a lot.